399 research outputs found

    Digital Literacy Circulation: Adolescents and Flows of Knowledge about New Media

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the output of an empirical research on digital skills in order to develop a typology of skills circulation among young digital users. Relying on research on digital literacy in media studies and on users in STS, in this article we start criticizing the concepts of \u201cdigital divide\u201d, \u201cdigital inequalities\u201d and \u201cdigital competencies\u201d. Then, we present the principal results of a research study involving 50 adolescents in Italy about how they acquired their competences in the use of digital media. This gave us the opportunity to focus on the digital skills of young people and the development of their abilities in using digital media. The research outlines the patterns of circulation in digital competences among young people in relation to family, school and peer group, defining four kinds of \u201cflows\u201d: parental flow (involving fathers and mothers), peer flow (connected to friends and people of the same age), educational flow (referring to formal education) and technological flow (involving technological devices, such as computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.). The aim is to understand the interactions between digital skills and the social, institutional and technological conditions that influence the youth\u2019s digital literacy for the everyday use of digital media

    Media(ting) Between Generations: Common Sense and Perceptions of New Media by Young People and Teachers

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    The wide spread of mobile communication devices, the expansion of social media and participatory media platforms, the ease to edit, share and produce media content, indicate a trend of change in the media system that influences the production and consumption of knowledge and generates new paths for the young\u2019s identity construction. This raises necessary questions about the ways not only young, but also the education agencies \u2013 school in particular \u2013 relate to these transformations, starting from taking into account the production of common sense on the use, risks and opportunities of the media. Based on these considerations, in this paper, we will discuss the results of a qualitative case study carried out in the Veneto Region (Italy) on upper secondary school students and teachers in order to detect and compare the perception that young and educators have of the media, trying to identify boundaries or land on which to build exchange opportunities for dialogue between the generations

    Children and Adolescents in the Media: the Veneto Region Case Study

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    In our paper, we investigate the role of the media, specifically local television stations, in producing a shared culture of infancy and adolescence. We pursue this inquiry by analysing the varying representations of the under-aged, disseminated by local TV channels in the Veneto Region. We discuss the ways in which the television stations portray the under-aged, the presence and the role of children and adolescents in the local news and broadcasting, the status accredited to them and their role in the narrations that relate to them. We pursue this inquiry by analysing the varying representations of the under-aged, disseminated by local TV channels in the Veneto Region. The research was conducted within a Convention among the Regional Committee for Communications (Co.Re.Com.) of the Veneto region and the Interdepartmental Centre of Research on the North-East \u2018Giorgio Lago\u2019 of the University of Padua. In greater detail, we monitored the local news and the programmes transmitted during the restricted time-slot scheduling (reserved for minors, 4 p.m. \u2013 7 p.m.) of 7 regional TV stations during the week of Monday 24th February to Sunday 2nd March 2014

    An Open Visualization Toolkit for Reverse Architecting

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    An Open Toolkit for Prototyping Reverse Engineering Visualizations

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    08161 Abstracts Collection -- Scalable Program Analysis

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    From April 13 to April 18, 2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08161 ``Scalable Program Analysis\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Comparative cytotoxicity evaluation of eight root canal sealers

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    The aim of the present study is to evaluate and compare the cytotoxic effects of eight root canal sealers (BioRoot RCS, TotalFill BC Sealer, MTA Fillapex, Sealapex, AH Plus, EasySeal, Pulp Canal Sealer, N2) on immortalized human gingival fibroblasts over a period of 24, 48 and 72 hours. Immortalized human gingival fibroblast-1 HGF-1 (ATCC CRL-2014) were incubated. Root canal sealers were then placed into sterile, cylindrical Teflon moulds. The extraction was made eluting the sealers in cell culture medium. Cells (1 × 104) were seeded in each well of a 96-well plate and incubated for 24 h at 37°C. Cultures were then exposed to 100 ?L of the extracts medium. The percentage of viable cells in each well was calculated relative to control cells set to 100%. BioRoot RCS and TotalFill BC Sealer extracted for 24h showed no cytotoxic effect, while it was mild by using 48 and 72 h extracts. No cytotoxic effect was measured by using AH Plus medium eluted for 24 h, while it was moderate after 48 h and severe after 72 h. Pulp Canal Sealer, Sealapex and N2 showed moderately cytotoxic activity for all the extraction times. EasySeal and MTA Fillapex remained severely or borderline mildly cytotoxic for all the extraction times. In the present study only BioRoot RCS, TotalFill BC Sealer and AH Plus showed no cytotoxic effects at least in the first 24h. All the other sealers revealed moderately or severely cytotoxic activity during all the extraction times
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